Good Morning, Princess

Did you know that you are royalty?

Have you ever thought of yourself as a Princess?  I’m not talking about when you were a little girl. I mean as an adult.  I never really thought about it until one Sunday morning a few years ago in church.  The service hadn’t started yet and members were greeting each other with hugs and handshakes.

I went to shake the hand of a kind older gentleman in a wheelchair and he said something that I’ll NEVER forget.  He said: “Good morning, Princess.”

Princess! Me?

I don’t know why it made such a profound impression on me.  I started thinking:  I am a daughter of the King; so yes, that makes me a princess.  Something so simple; yet, I’d never thought of myself as a princess.  That man will never know how much his greeting meant to me.

One meaning of princess I found online is that the name Princess is primarily a female name of English origin that means Royal Daughter.

How special is that?  Our Heavenly Father is the King and you are his royal daughter!

You are:
– a child of God
– an heir
– loved unconditionally
– fearfully and wonderfully made
– a daughter of the King
and yes, a Princess!l

Let’s live up to our high calling!

Dear Father:  Thank you for always being there and loving us unconditionally, even when we don’t act like your child.  Help us to remember that we are always precious in your sight no matter what.  And Lord, thank you for the reminder from that sweet man that I am a princess, your princess.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

About Robin

I’m a southern gal who likes conversations on a cozy porch, western North Carolina mountains, and bargain shopping at thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales.  And, I want to remind you to that you are loved unconditionally right this minute, exactly right where you are, and you are precious in His sight. 

Holding on to grace with you,


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