Hosanna Wong Quotes from She Speaks 2023

Inspirational quotes from Hosanna Wong at She Speaks.

Hosanna Wong is an international speaker, best-selling author and spoken word artist helping everyday people know Jesus for real. She shares in churches, conferences, prisons, and other events around the world, reaching across various denominations, backgrounds and cultures.

The only time I had heard Hosanna until this conference was on the Better Together TV program.  She wasn’t into her session very long before I realized I could listen to her for hours.  She has a way of sharing that really captures your attention.

These are just some of the quotes I got written down from Hosanna’s session.  I wrote so much so fast that I can’t read some of my writing!

The notes beside each image in quotes are also from Hosanna.

“We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20).

Know the words and the ways of God and people around us.

Serve people where they really are.

You are keeping the proof alive.”
“Use your real story to share the real story of Jesus.

Make sure you’re truly yourself.”
“What we do have is exactly what God wants to use.

There is power and opportunity even in your limitations.”
“Don’t compare yourself to others.
We’ve listened to the lie we’re not good enough.
We believe the lie that we are different; to change who we are.
We believe the lie that we’re not different enough.
He knows the truth! You are more than you’ve been told.”
“We have fears, insecurities and pride that keeps us from obeying God.”
“When Jesus saves your life, He also saves your legacy.”
“What has God given you authority in?

Your position is a weapon.”

I can’t even name a favorite here! They’re all powerful! Does one speak to you more than another? Let me know in the comments.

As mentioned above, Hosanna is also a spoken word artist.  I was going to share an inspirational video here from a piece she did at the conference that brought tears to my eyes, but I’ve been listening to some other videos she’s done and will share those later so you can get the full experience.  Let me just say, she’s got an amazing gift from God with her spoken words.

Stay tuned.

Have a blessed day!

My other posts from the conference:
She Speaks 2023 Recap
Lysa TerKeurst Quotes from She Speaks 2023

About Robin

I’m a southern gal who likes conversations on a cozy porch, western North Carolina mountains, and bargain shopping at thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales.  And, I want to remind you to that you are loved unconditionally right this minute, exactly right where you are, and you are precious in His sight. 

Holding on to grace with you,


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