He’s the God Who Sees You

A reminder that God sees you where you are.

He's the God Who Sees You

Have you ever gone through trying times where you felt invisible? Where anxiety or depression was at an all-time high and you wondered where God was in the midst of it all?

Sis, I’ve been there many times, so I know the crushing feeling, even for a child of God.  I’ve struggled with depression in my life, and still do at times.  It’s a difficult and hard season.  Maybe one day I’ll share more of the journey.

The first time I was diagnosed, I was in my 30’s and saw a wonderful and caring Christian therapist for several months.  I could talk to her without holding back about how I was feeling and my emotional state.  There were lots of tears shed during those sessions. 

During one of my visits as my counselor was praying for me, I sensed the Lord there in such a mighty way that it was unmistakable.  My eyes were closed as she was praying and then it happened.  I literally felt like I was being held and rocked by the Lord!  Jesus saw how I was struggling and knew I needed an extra sense of his presence that day.  He reached down and held his hurting child.  It’s an experience that still amazes me to this day.  Oh, thank you, Jesus, for wrapping your loving arms around me.

I’ve been reminded of this lately as I’ve been watching the marvelous video/music of Nicole C. Mullen, The God Who Sees.  There’s a part in the song about Hagar being in the desert and it says:

Then He speaks in gentle whispers
And He softly calls her name
She feels His arms enfold her
As He holds her
And she’ll never be the same

If you’ve never watched this video or heard the song, please get to a quiet place for about 12 minutes and watch and listen.  I wind up with tears rolling down my cheeks whenever I watch it.

Sister, God sees you.

You’re not alone.

He hears you.

He cares for you.

He loves you, always.

He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.
Psalm 18:16 (NIV)

Dear Father, Thank you for seeing us through the hard struggles on this earth even when we feel like no one understands.  Help us to remember that you are ALWAYS there for us no matter what the circumstances are and you above all understand our pain and heartache.  Your love is higher than any love we know and never changes.  Guide us through every day, whether there is joy or sorrow.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About Robin

I’m a southern gal who likes conversations on a cozy porch, western North Carolina mountains, and bargain shopping at thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales.  And, I want to remind you to that you are loved unconditionally right this minute, exactly right where you are, and you are precious in His sight. 

Holding on to grace with you,


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