You Could Be the Answer to Someone’s Prayer

A story of someone being the answer to my prayer.

We’ve all experienced answered prayer, but have you ever had a prayer that was answered as soon as you finished praying?  Well, sister, that’s what happened to me many years ago and it left an everlasting impression on me.

I was a member of a very large church before I got married and this happened one Sunday night.  Our custom at the end of every service was to hold hands with those on each side of us during the closing prayer.  I whispered a prayer that night asking God to show me his love.  As soon as the prayer ended and we all squeezed each other’s hand as we always did, something amazing happened.

The lady standing next to me (whose hand I had been holding) turned and gave me a hug.  She said that God told her to do that.  Can you imagine what I felt inside?  God heard my whisper and answered seconds later!  I didn’t know the lady and God used her to show me his love in such a special way.  She was obedient to his leading and I was the blessed recipient.  I never saw her again after that to express my gratitude.  She’ll never know how much I needed to feel His love that night.  Can you relate?

As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength. Psalm 138:3
Everyone should look not to his own interests, but rather to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

That one brief hug meant the world to me.  I cherish that unforgettable moment in my heart to this day and will always remember this very special blessing from the Lord.

Keep praying.
He hears your whispered prayers.

And, follow the Lord’s leading whenever He impresses on you to minister to someone else.  You never know, you could be the answer to that person’s prayer.

Have you had a prayer answered quickly that was especially meaningful to you or did you know you answered someone’s prayer?  I’d love to hear about it.  Please let me know by leaving a comment below. 

Dear Father:  Thank you for answered prayer even when they are whispers.  You hear our prayers and know what’s best for us, whether it’s what we asked for or not.  We know your love is unconditional and you have our best interest at heart.  Help us to trust in you wholeheartedly.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About Robin

I’m a southern gal who likes conversations on a cozy porch, western North Carolina mountains, and bargain shopping at thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales.  And, I want to remind you to that you are loved unconditionally right this minute, exactly right where you are, and you are precious in His sight. 

Holding on to grace with you,



  1. I love this so much! I also experienced this just a few days ago. My family has been under spiritual warfare for awhile now, and this past week my 15 year old niece was being significantly impacted by a crisis situation. My friend and I engaged in intercessory prayer and within an hour the chains fell! God is SO good to us. ❤️☝️🙏

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